Women On Their Way : Blog


Our WOTW blog is a personal tool, written by our program experts,
to help companies design and navigate
women’s leadership programs.

How Can Curiosity Help You At Work

One problematic mindset common in the workplace is one of judgment. When Amira, a WOTW Navigator, was at a director level, she lacked confidence in sharing ideas, both in meetings and...
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Is Imposter Syndrome Holding You Back?

In the weeks leading up to the release of my book, Reclaiming the Fire In Your Belly: A Practical Guide for Women Leaders to Navigate Overwhelm, I took time pondering about one of...
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Living in Your Purpose: How Iā€™m doing it.

Have you ever felt like you're going through the motions, but not truly living? That nagging question of "what's my purpose?" can be a constant source of frustration. Well, I'm here to tell you...
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Is Your Mindset Holding You back?

Over the course of my thirty years in business, I have come to understand that the biggest obstacle holding women back in their lives and careers is their mindset. Mindset, in its simplest...
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Leveraging vs. Building Networks

Often when we talk to women leaders, they are more concerned about the number of people in their network than the type of people. Women tend to carry a mindset of “the world tells me I need...
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Working Hard and Being Strategic

Your business success starts with your mindset. At WOTW, we spend a lot of time exploring some of the mindsets that hold women back. One of the most common that we see is the limiting mindset of...
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Time Is Your Most Important Resource

We have all been there at one time or another: we have an important task that needs our full focus and despite our best intentions we get distracted, unable to ignore the ping from our inbox with...
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Unveiling Your Authenticity: Crafting a High-Impact Personal Plan

It was 1983, and Oprah Winfrey embarked on a journey that would redefine the landscape of daytime television. Despite the odds stacked against her, she didn't seek to replicate her competitors; she...
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The Hardest Work We Will Do As Leaders

In the work we do with our Women Leaders, the topic of authenticity comes up often, and in a way that reveals there is some mystery and confusion around the topic.  Self-awareness is key to...
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Managing Burnout Is An Inside Job

At WOTW, we are committed to creating space for women leaders to talk about what might have their attention. And what has a lot of attention right now is burnout and overwhelm.  Burnout is a...
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