Women On Their Way : Blog


Our WOTW blog is a personal tool, written by our program experts,
to help companies design and navigate
women’s leadership programs.

Why Learning to Navigate the System Is The Only New Skill Women Leaders Need this Year

By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  Nine months ago we started our first Women On Their Way Navigator Cohort. Last fall, a group of 22 director-level women leaders began their Navigator journey,...
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4 Ways CEO's Can Champion Women Leaders. It's Easier Than You Think.

By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  For real change to occur in your organization, it’s time to think about the development of your women leaders as a key business performance lever. ...
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What It Will Really Take to Break the Bias: Thoughts from IWD 2022

On March 8, 2022, WOTW celebrated IWD 2022 by hosting an incredible webinar that was attended by over 1,000 global leaders. Our panelists included top-of-industry leaders including: Guillermo...
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The Classic Mistakes Organizations Make with Gender Diversity & 5 Ways to Fix Them

By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW In the past few weeks, I’ve spoken with a number of potential clients who were ready to launch a women’s leadership program (designed by them, not us)....
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Sponsorship Has to Be A Part of Your Leadership Strategy For Women Leaders. Hereā€™s Why.

Leaders, closing the gender gap isn’t about fixing the women. It’s not about working on empowering one woman at a time or saying yes to one more woman leader program.  In my 30...
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Calling all CEOā€™s - Your Failing Women Leader Programs Can Only Be Fixed With A Systems Approach

You're investing millions of dollars in Women Leadership Programs and you're proudly reciting how many Women Leaders are going through these programs, yet these investments are not getting you the...
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Self Awareness Is The Key To Not Stubbing Your Toe As A Woman Leader

By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  Self awareness. It’s a buzz word of sorts these days. But it’s true, being self aware makes you a better human.  And when it comes to...
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Career Planning: 3 Ways to Rethink How You Navigate Your Career

By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW - Recently I was stunned by an article in The Atlantic titled How Puberty Kills Girls’ Confidence. The author points out that from the age of 10 to 14, the...
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3 Ways Women Can Navigate the Organizational System

By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  Corporate systems. Organizational systems. They are flawed. That’s why Women On Their Way (WOTW) is grounded in identifying and fixing those systems. In...
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How to Take a Hard & Honest Look at the Corporate Systems that Keep You From Retaining and Attracting Women Leaders

By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  People often say that the issue is that women need more development. Yes, that may be true but equally true is that the system needs more development....
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