Women On Their Way : Blog


Our WOTW blog is a personal tool, written by our program experts,
to help companies design and navigate
women’s leadership programs.

Twitter is a Fish Rotting From the Head: Here’s Why Elon Musk’s Approach to Leadership is Not Only Offensive, but Costly

By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  I always say, “The fish rots from the head,” and at Twitter the fish appears to be rotting quite rapidly. There is a huge cost of this outdated,...
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Naming the Unseen Barriers that Hold Women Leaders Back is the Only Way to Develop Gender Equity in an Organization

By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  Organizations are working against their own gender equity and inclusion strategies and they don’t even know it. Even organizations with a solid...
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Imposter Syndrome Is Holding Women Leaders Back and the Key is Confidence

Lack of opportunity, lack of confidence and lack of vision are major factors that play into the success of all women. Change the system to institute real gender equity in your organization. ...
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Meet the Renowned Women’s Leadership Facilitators for WOTW

WOTW leverages industry-leading experts to facilitate sessions on career development, leadership and personal growth By WOTW -  Designed to accelerate professional growth and executive...
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5 Ways to Leverage Women On Their Way to Develop Your Leaders

WOTW now offers 5 leadership development products By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  Management is not leadership. Leadership needs to be grounded in human centeredness and empathy. Which is to...
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The 5 Things Every Organization Must Do to Retain Women Leaders

Empathy, psychological health and creating space make the top of the list. By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  A Gallup poll this year showed that more than half of workers in the U.S. left their...
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Transformative Leadership Development Starts with a Hard Look at Your Corporate Systems

Fix the problems, elevate your women leaders. That’s the formula. By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  Transformative leadership development. Academics define it as “an approach that...
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Give Your Women Leaders the Space, Support and Capabilities They Need to Succeed

The quality of the experience of your women leaders improves your bottom line. If you want a return, give leaders the time and space to work on themselves. By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW - ...
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4 Ways to Improve Your Pipeline of Women Leaders

Women aren’t leaving your organization because they want better pay. They want support and the opportunity to grow.  By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  We recently conducted an...
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With the Risk of Recession, Now is the Time to Double Down on Talent

Invest now or risk spending more in the long run.  By Audrey McGuckin, CEO, WOTW -  Talks of a looming recession continue. Although Reuters recently reported, employers in the U.S....
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